Monday, December 5, 2011

Yes...I do still exist, just like Santa!

I know I have been gone for a while and here is what I'd like to imagine you saying: "Wow...I really miss reading that cool blog that I found. Whatever happened to that girl?" Followed up with a very huge sigh... Well, I may be dreaming, but I have missed writing and missed telling some fun stories.

This, however, is not one of the fun stories that I'm going to tell. It is with a incredibly heavy heart that M and I ended our relationship in early November. I can't even put into words how heartbroken, upset, a little angry (at myself mostly), and confused I was..and still am. I loved this man with all of my heart, yet I still didn't give it my all. We still talk occasionally which fills my heart with joy and hope that one day we may be able to be friends and share stories of how we both have grown. I wish nothing but the best for him, and I hope that his pain is lessened each day and that his heart heals quickly. I love his family more and more each day knowing that they are there for him. :) But I won't go into too much detail about the whole thing...but know that I'm in a good place right now and I'm focusing on myself and making my life a better place for me. I also moved back to Dallas, just right after our transition...I love being home!

OK, so let's change the subject. I want to share some exciting news about what I have been up to. My sister and I have started an event planning company!! We are working on all of the details and can't wait to release our company to the world. We have even worked with 2 clients and have an event this weekend in Austin. I feel so blessed to be able to be working with my sister, she is such a wonderful woman and so savvy in business. I can't wait to see where these opportunities take our relationship and our future!

I'll keep this post short, but I need your help with something...I need to change my blog title. Since I'm not in Seattle anymore and not sending love from there...I want to change it to something more fitting for me. Any suggestions??