Sunday, July 17, 2011

Welcome...we are so excited for our new journey!

I'm going to start by saying that Mark and I are just so excited about this journey that we are going to take to Seattle, Washington! We will be putting all of the past behind us here in Dallas, and focusing on the new things to come our way. Let me introduce ourselves:

Lola is our 4 year old Black Labrador mix...she has been a blessing to my life from day one. She ran away from her owner and found her way to me. I posted signs and the owner eventually found her way to us...she told me that Lola would be better suited with a owner other than her due to her budding fashion career...and I jumped on the opportunity to adopt Lola. She love to lay around the house, and reduce stress from Mark and I...she huffs instead of barks and she can charm anyone who crossed her path. She is one of my greatest treasures!!

Mark is the love of my life for almost 3 years now! He is the man that God intended for me to find! He and I are perfect for each other and I am truly myself when I'm with my best friend. Mark is the reason that we are moving to Seattle and he worked hard for us to be able to get a fresh start in a new place. I hope that he will be in my life for many many years to come. I look forward to the days of us getting married, starting a family, and growing young together. He means the world to me!!

Laura aka ME:

This is me...I'm a 26.5 year old sassy southern raised independent woman born and raised in the great state of Texas! I love to cook, create recipes, indulge in craft making, learning to sew, planning weddings, and spending time with family and friends. You'll learn more about me during the I won't tell you too much about me now. :)

I look forward to sharing our new journey with you! Sending XO from Seattle!


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