Monday, May 14, 2012

Workout Inspiration: Workout Music

I have NO idea how people can workout without music! That is what keeps me pumped up! I have few playlists that I refer to most...and I wanted to share them with you. Enjoy!

I'm pretty much OCD about a few things:
  • The playlist time has enough minutes...I'm not a fan of repeating songs during my workouts
  • Range of singers {male/female...even down to the way their voice sounds, rapping/singing/no vocals}
  • Pumped up or chill enough for what I want to accomplish
So here are the 3 playlists that I love the most:

1. Work it Out: Pumped Up and Popular {This playlist has a few older songs, but it still keeps me going on The Arc!}

About this mix: I love that this mix is just under 60 minutes, coming in at 55.1 minutes. It gives me time to start on my machine or warm-up for walking around my neighborhood before I start with the up beat tunes. Some of them are mixes, and I'm OK with that...wait until you see my #3 list!

2. Chill Out!: Calm and Collected {This playlist makes me giggle! I think it is such a random mess of chill music...}

About this mix: This mix is exactly 60 minutes. I listen to this mix when I'm doing Pilates or Yoga. I find that my mind really focuses with these songs. I love that Mercy Me is in this mix, they make me happy and their music is so relaxing to me.

3. WHOA!! Mix: This is my David Guetta really is just his "Nothing But the Beat" album with a few of his other mixes on the list. I really can't take credit for putting it together, but it just pumps me up!!

About this mix: Warning...let me count...5! 5 explicit tags in this mix! To be honest, I don't really pay attention to the words, I just love the beat. (Spoken like a true Drill Team girl..."I just want to DANCE!") I've said it before and I'll say it again, I love David Guetta! Also, this mix is 59.6 minutes.

So there you have it, my most cherished playlists. I'll add that all of these songs we're crazy downloads for this girl!

With love from the Big Little City in Texas,

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