Sunday, August 14, 2011

Travel Day: 1

As I'm writing this we have already arrived in Seattle and are working on getting settled in our new apartment! We decided to rent an apartment first before we looked for houses, so that we can learn about the area and decide where to buy a house in the near future.
Let me start by telling you a little about our driving situation. We drove both cars which means that Lola and I were in one car and Mark was in his. Alone for 4 days of am I going to survive only talking to myself and a puppy dog. On our 4 day trip to Seattle, we figured that traveling the almost 2500 mile trip would be long, but that if we spread it out it would be best. So on day 1 thru 3 we drove about 10 hours per day and then on the last day only drive 4-5 hours and get into Seattle/Renton just before lunchtime! That was the perfect idea, and it worked REALLY well! We were tired, but we wanted to see and visit family and take little side trips too.

{Can't make it out of Texas with out seeing a sign like this one!}

I swear, Texas is such a boring state to drive through compared to the other states that we drove. Texas is home to me, but most of the land that we drove was boring. Good thing I had a boring book on tape to keep me company! I listened to that first so that I would still have fresh and vibrant songs for the rest of the drive from my iPod. Mark and I both bought like adapters for our cars for the we would have music and not just a static radio. We also purchased walkie-talkies for the trip....woo-hoo are those fun! We gave each other "trucker" names, and even talked about aliens on the way into Santa Fe...a little worried that someone would swoop down and confiscate the little toys! It was nice to have those since we didn't have each other to talk to.

{Door to our Casita}

We drove to Santa Fe on the first day, and arranged to meet up with Mark's mom. She got the CUTEST little Casita in Downtown Santa Fe.  She lives in Taos, and met us at the Casita. It just really showed off the charm that Santa Fe has. We walked into the downtown area and they were having a little concert on the town square and tons of people were there. I was happy to see that the summer is good for well as the winter months.

{OK, so the plate may not look beautiful...but this is amazing!}

We ate at a restaurant called "The Shed". Wow...they are know for the super spicy hatch chilies that are so popular in New Mexico. I ordered the green sauce on the side...and when my plate arrived it was (capital S) Smothered in the sauce. I hate to send food back, unless it is inedible, so I told the waitress, "Nah...I got this!" She still insisted on bring me some sour cream. Overall, I did really well! Despite the spiciness the food was incredible and they had stellar guacamole! (which happens to be my new favorite thing!)

{St. Francis Cathedral Basilica in Downtown Santa Fe}

This again was a breathtaking view to see. We also learned that, just like Washington, D.C., no other building in Santa Fe can be taller than the Capital. This cathedral despite being stout, was not lacking in anything! Beautiful stained glass and wonderful the one below of Kateri.

More posts to come soon. Just been a little busy!

XO from Seattle,

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