Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Travel Day #3 and #4

So I have been a little lazy...just needing to keep up my blogging. It is a little difficult to sit down and type all of the fun things that I've been doing. I want to! I'm doing this so that all of you can see the amazing sights that I'm getting to see. I promise that I'll get better. :)

On travel day #3 we drove from Price, UT to Pendleton, OR, it was an 11 hour drive. Can I just say that by this point of the trip our bums were pretty much numb!

We left our murder mystery hotel and headed to Salt Lake City to grab some breakfast then get "good" on the road. Before we left my mom gave us a Cracker Barrel gift card, and there was one just on the northwest side of SLC so we decided to go there. I really forgot how much I love shopping at this place...and the breakfast was sooo yummy. I'm a hash brown casserole kinda girl!

So now for some driving photos...I know I'm a bad girl to take pictures while driving, but how can I resist?!

This is the final picture from our miles in Utah. It is truly a beautiful state! Despite the stay in our hotel, we really enjoyed driving through Utah. We shall return someday...soon!

Now for Idaho. Welcome to the brown grass state!! A land where you will be truly bored if driving through. Maybe is was that we were no the wrong highway...or side of the state to see beauty. Regardless, I had to take a 5-Hour Energy.

We did stop in Caldwell, ID for a late lunch at this fun little Mexican restaurant. There was no one there when we arrived and we sat outside on the patio with Lola. She loved the cooler weather! We saw this car drive up and two guys with Seattle Supersonics jerseys on...Mark grabbed my phone and we confirmed that they were in fact on the team. It was a pretty cool to see them 2 states away from where they play and at this tiny little Mexican restaurant. We left a little-tiny bit famous.

Travel Day #4, The short trip to our new home:

Mark and I really wanted to be able to arrive in Seattle early in the day, so we stayed closer to Washington

Welcome to Washington! Driving into Washington the way that we did on 82. The Washington wine country was on this highway, and we saw so many vineyards and information about wine tours, tastings, and grape stomping. I can't wait for us to be able to go to some of these things out here. :)

Wonderful sign to see after driving 4 days...with my ever so nervous Lola in the back seat (heavily panting the ENTIRE way).

We arrived and got a great start in Seattle! Our new home. This is going to be such an amazing journey...cant wait to share it with you!

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