Tuesday, February 7, 2012

My ups and downs...

I had a pretty good weekend and last week was a really great sign that someone out there is watching over me! I've been meeting with new potential clients and even getting to put my years of marketing to good use! My sister and I will hopefully be doing marketing and PR for a company here in Dallas. I'm so excited about the plan that we put together for this company!

I feel so very blessed to be able to be involved in the event planning of a fundraising event with a YP group in Dallas that I joined last month. Talk about diving in...more like a cannon ball into the planning process. They also asked me to Co-chair the event...sweet! I love working with this new crowd of people. There are some pretty amazing individuals in this group, and I'm so happy to be apart of it!

I went to Austin this weekend too...at 3:30 on Saturday, I was driving home from lunch and got some kind of wild hair. I packed my bag and hit the pavement, well my tires did! I like that Austin is only 3 hours away...2.5 for me, from Dallas. It makes for a nice, quick getaway from reality. We hit up Sixth Street for a few adult beverages...I'm in love with (new to me) StarBar, and its just down the street from Molotov's. It was really fun. Yes, we took a cab and acted like adults! Then on Sunday we went for brunch, a nice long workout, and then watched the Super Bowl.

This is the part where my "downs" start...

I'm a huge sports fan! I like sports for me, and not like some girls out there who like it to impress a guy. Not that I don't want to impress guys, it's just that I love sports!...mostly Football and Basketball! I'm so bummed that football season is over. I so look forward to it every season and now that it's gone I'm not sure what I'm going to do!

I want to highlight a few of my favorite quotes from Super Bowl XLVI via Twitter:
  • Haha!! RT @RANDOM: Giants look to unleash the "Kim Kardashian Defense" on Tom Brady tonight; knock him to his knees and on his back as many times as possible.
  • Ummm @RANDOMjust asked if Tony Dungy was a make-a-wish candidate.
  • That lip-synch-a-thon at halftime was brutal! It's been said but bears repeating: the performer CAN'T be older than the Super Bowl.
I just love Twitter! I want to leave you with a few pictures from the last couple of days!

I saw this picture and just love the simplistic explanation of Social Media!  
A beautifully decorated dessert table and perfect inspiration for a client that I'm working with.
My new favorite supplement to take...except I really want to drink the entire bottle!

Have a great week! More posts to come...

XO from the Big Little City in Texas,

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