Saturday, September 3, 2011

Our home...

Our first stop when we arrived was at the apartment complex that we researched online. We searched and searched for a safe area, lower price, and nice amenities...and our complex has all of the things that we are looking for. Mark and I wanted to move into an apartment first so that we could take our time to find a neighborhood or even city where we want to focus our home search. We signed a year lease, and hope to find a home by time our lease is up. This complex is great because we can go month-to-month, if needed, and the price doesn't change...which means we won't have to pay hundreds over our rent just to stay here. Blessing! We settled in Renton, WA which is just about 15 minutes south of Seattle and's perfect and it's close to Mark's office in Kent, WA. We are also close to Sea Tac, i.e. the AIRPORT... come and visit anytime, just let us know ahead of time so we can clean up all of Lola's puppy hair.

Now, the pictures that I'm going to share with you may be a little scary! I took these on the day that our furniture and boxes arrived, so it's super crowded in the house. I almost had a panic attack because I like to have everything in it's place and this was just not ideal for me. If I would have known where the kitchen boxes with the paper bags would have been very helpful. :)

You are looking at our lovely dining room!

I'm not a fan of these blinds, but they are everywhere. I can live with it. This is the living room!

See if you can guess what room this is?

Once we have the apartment set-up I will post new pictures. 

We are short on space due to downsizing into a one bedroom from a two bedroom with garage house. We ended up getting a storage unit to store our washer and dryer (a nice perk is that this complex has a washer and dryer in every unit) and our Christmas/Holiday decor, hunting stuff, craft/sewing stuff, and other things we don't want to give up, but don't have space for in the apartment.

Things that I an still learning to live with:
  • Ugly blinds, coming from the plantation wood blinds to this is difficult (I sound so snooty...)
  • Ground floor: Good for Lola...bad for little to big spiders making themselves comfortable in our home.
  • No light in the bedroom or living room...seems a little weird to have lamps lighting our home.
  • No fans anywhere in sight...or A/C!!! You really don't need it here because the weather is so nice, but its a total adjustment!
  • That being said about not having fans, with all of the rain thats here and the mold issue that can mind thinks that a fan will help with circulation and therefore not having stagnant humidity to grow mold spores. I'm not the smartest crayon is the box, but I like my idea.
Today is such a beautiful day and it's Labor Day Weekend...I have to go out and enjoy the weather!

1 comment:

  1. Love it! Your kitchen looks awesome! I agree, those blinds are pretty terrible! And I would also have a hard time with no a/c or fans with it being so humid. I guess I am too used to a/c! Can't wait to come visit y'all!
