Thursday, September 8, 2011

Pike Place Market

I'm ready to go back! We went when kids were out of school and it was a beautiful day...there were a TON of people. We really didn't get to take our time going to each and every booth and really seeing what is there. Here are a few reasons why Pike Place Market is just so amazing and fun, for residents and vacationers!

There is it...and we snagged a picture! Amidst the crowd and being asked about 20 times to take pictures of people. I should have put up a booth and collected $15.00 per picture!

Yummy cheese! This was breath taking! I can't wait to go back and stock up on cheese.

We went against traditional standards and went to Seattle's Best truly is better than Starbucks! We sipped on cappuccinos, and I truly think this drink is how you can tell if a place is legit.

Finally someone offered to take a picture of us...down from the cool sign. And the streets are at a crazy 70% angle or something. It is a great workout to go up and down the streets between 1st street and 2nd street.

Mark the "pork butt" in contemplation about something truly serious!

Can't wait for the day to be able to take this ship to Alaska for about 8-10 days! Anyone want to go?

OK, so here is my favorite part about Pike. The flowers...and they are CHEAP!! I almost filled my arms, purse, anything with these gorgeous bouquets.

This arrangement was $15.00! Do you see the lilies in the arrangement...this one just keeps getting better!

Nothing better than sweet almonds!

I can't wait to go back and gather fresh fruits, veggies, seafood, and goodies to make dinner...perfect with a fresh bouquet of flowers for the dinner table. I'm really loving that there are so many things to do in the Seattle area. There are so many farmer's markets and festivals! I'm loving it soooo much! 

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