Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Good, The Okay, and The Horrible

Happy Sunday! And Happy Birthday to my dear friend Sarah in Dallas!

My week has been pretty traumatic for so many reasons...I just have to share. This was my first week at my new job and it was so much fun, despite my dental problems. Last week, I accepted a position at The Hotel Monaco in Downtown Seattle. It's a Kimpton Hotel! I'm a City Reservation Coordinator, there are three Kimpton Hotels in downtown Seattle, and there are two of us handling the reservations for these hotels. I'm excited about the new challenge and opportunity to learn about a new department in the hotel world. There are so many awesome perks about being an employee with Kimpton Hotels...I can't wait to take advantage of their perks!
This is the retro hotel logo for Hotel Monaco. It is a very recognizable chain in Seattle.

Here is a current photo of the lobby. The hotel common area is about to undergo a face lift starting November...excited to see what this trendy space will look like in the end.

If any of you work or have worked in hotels, you can understand the simple benefit of having an office. Well, I hit the jackpot and have an office space! I have perfect hours and still am able to enjoy my weekends with Mark...and Lola!

Now, onto the Okay part to all of this. After a short understanding that parking in Downtown Seattle costs about $300 per month on the low end for a garage that is about 8 blocks away from work and not safe...I decided that public transportation was a must! It's about $125.00 per month to ride the light rail and parking at my station is free and monitored by security. From living in Dallas, my image of the light rail was tainted with the sight of dirty street people and gangster riding patrons...which was a little concerning. The Seattle light rail is much nicer, cleaner, and quicker than Dallas. I hoped on the opportunity to ride the rail. I'll admit that I was a little nervous about the whole thing, but it's been great! The only down side to it in the beginning is that if I don't get to the park and ride before 7:15am...there are NO parking spaces. So I get there early enough to get one...and just get to work super early. There are a few coffee spots close to work, so I foresee most of my money going to the establishments! :)

For the HORRIBLE...I repeat horrible part of my week. Let me just start by saying that I have a huge fear of going to see the dentist. I had the worst dentist in history taking care of me and it has left me scarred for life. When I was either 8 or 9 I had to have 14 teeth pulled, my baby teeth didn't come out and my jaw was too small to hold a few of the permanent teeth, and of course my dentist with no bedside manner was the one to take these out. It was horrible and I literally have a panic attack when I go to the dentist. I kinda feel like a baby saying it, but it is truly the only time I feel vulnerable around any type of doctor. With that being said, I woke up on Tuesday morning with a sharp pain in my bottom jaw on the ride side. It was pretty bad, but I thought I could take some Tylenol and it would go away or if I needed to go to a dentist I could go over the weekend. Not so Wednesday morning at 2:00am...this was much more than a toothache. I looked in my mouth and saw that a wisdom tooth was coming in. I'm 26...and this is not normal!! Please keep in mind that it's my first week of work and I'm in training. I have no sick time, NO insurance, and am afraid to ask to leave to go to the dentist. I went into work and made it through the day, but worked up the courage to go to the dentist on Thursday morning. My gracious new bosses understood and let me take the morning off to do so. I went to a dentist with GREAT recs and he said that the tooth must come out. Ends up that it was pressing my other teeth together and could end up breaking or crushing a tooth. (Where did this mighty and angry tooth come from!?) The dentist numbed me up....and I had a shaking attack, I was scared to death. Oh man. The tooth is out and my work understood about me not returning and drooling all over the place. I was given Vicodin...which just made me a drowsy mess. I probably looked like I had narcolepsy. So after about $500 later for the tooth and meds...I'm feeling a lot better. Hoping that I don't have to go back anytime soon!!

I'm excited about this next week...I will be able to make it through the entire work week! I hope they don't hate me! :)

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