Thursday, October 6, 2011

Late update of our fun calorie filled weekend!

This past weekend was so much fun! We really want to set out and do as many fun things before the so called "dreaded weather" heads in. Mark found a really helpful website that posts a ton of events and we found a few fun things to do.

On Saturday we headed to Issaquah, WA which is only about 20 minutes from our house to the "Issaquah Salmon days". This event has been celebrated for over 40 years and it marks the release of the salmon back into the rivers and lakes after laying their eggs at the Issaquah hatchery. The hatchery has helped to save so many salmon, so that the Eco-system can stay healthy and pollutant free. I wish I knew more about the Earth...I should invest learning. hmmm.... But this was pretty cool to learn! There were so many people and the turn out was awesome!

On Sunday, we went to the Mobile Chowdown in West Seattle! Wow...this was an awesome event! The event is a total hit for Seattleites...the LOVE their food truck and are lucky to have some of the best in America! I'm so happy that Dallas is now zoned to be able to have them...I'm only sad that I wasn't there to sample their tasty treats! This was an We found out that there was about 6000 people that showed up to the event. We were lucky and stalked a couple found a parking space close to the event...most of it was just street parking. They had the main road closed in the downtown area, and there were about 20 or so trucks, all with really long lines of about 60 people deep. Oh my gosh, it was worth the wait. We started with Mark in one line and me in another. By the time I got my food from the short line Mark got his from the long line, so we sat down with our grub and gorged!! Ugh...I can still feel the pain from eating so much food.

Mini slider, Beecher's Mac & Cheese, 2 types of pulled pork sandwich, and a healthy fish taco! Can I get an amen?!
 After we ate the savory foods, it was onto the sweets!! My ultimate favorite, and due to my diet of carrots and water, I haven't been able to partake! We stood in the longest line for these guys, and they only had 4 types of donuts. Now, this is where things started to get blurry and my mind goes a little blank. I was so sick from eating all of this food, I could almost not even walk! I moaned and groaned from fullness all the way back to the car after our sweet treats. But it was SO worth it, and everyone who saw our donuts were so jealous. I mean, look at the little yummies!!

Mini Donut delicious!!

Cinnamon and Caramel

Peanut and Chocolate
On our way home we went to go and get Mark and haircut and I convinced his stylist to give him a fauxhawk! It was so hilarious...and he kept looking in the mirror and laughing. I was just so smitten to see his hair different. We went to the grocery store after, and he had this complex about it, and kept saying, "I feel like a badass!!". I'm hoping I can get him to do that to his hair again soon!

Recipes are in the next blog: Monkey Bread muffins and Shrimp Teriyaki with Rice....

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