Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Christmas Planning...is this too early?

Christmas is one of my most favorite Holidays! I love the colors, music, and spending time with my family. There are so many things that I love that I'm going to make this is 1,000,000 part post....just kidding, but I am going to highlight a few of my favorite things about Christmas.

Top three things are: Advent Calendars, Yummy foods, and going to Christmas Eve service at church.

1) Advent Calendar- My mom has an advent calendar that we've had in our family since my sister was born (a long time ago), and I have always loved moving the little Christmas mouse from day to day! No candy rewards either, but I was ok with it!

I did a search and found a few other advent calendars that I think are so cute and creative:

This from DaberDoo on Etsy...it may be sold out, not sure!

Such an adorable idea, found on Vanilla Joy: Making Up & Over blog

I love that you can hide little treats and toys in these stockings...use old socks too.
Also found on Vanilla Joy: Making Up & Over blog

This is my shabby chic look and totally homemade! Found on Maya Made.

This is a 2 part Advent calendar that I think is my favorite...it reminds me of the one that I grew up with:
 The dates are little pockets , filled with the cute little cards that are so fun...I love the one about decorating cookies. It's such a great way to stay close to your family.
I found this nifty idea on All Things Simple!!

More to come...my favorite foodie items are coming next!! I can't wait to share those. I may have a problem, food makes me too happy. (seeking out a therapist...maybe)

XO from Seattle,

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