Thursday, October 20, 2011

New random things....

Weird title huh? I know it is super vague and doesn't say, "Our weekend...", but don't be alarmed. I wanted to post some of my latest likes in my little world.

This is our front door actually! I hate it because it looks like an apartment. It is an apartment, but still it doesn't feel homey. So I made a wreath awhile back with really pretty green flowers for the summer and just changed the same one up. I added pretty leaves, reddish hydrangea, and more corks. I like the way it turned out and we are the only ones to have a wreath on the door!

OMG!!! I'm a true Texan and would prefer a Dublin Dr. Pepper over any other drink and have at least three a day. However, if I did then I wouldn't be able to fit in chairs, cars, or clothes. So I found a new love in Coke Zero, until I saw this!! Dr. Pepper has come out with a Dr. Pepper 10, and it is so awesome. I have NEVER thought the Diet Dr. Pepper tasted like real Dr. Pepper and this sweet little bottle with 10 calories tastes about 92% like the real thing. I just have to figure out which one I love most, Coke Zero or Dr. Pepper 10?! Oh, the troubles in my life. (Also, I hate the marketing route that they took for Dr. Pepper 10.)

Um, have you seen this at your local Sports Authority? I happened upon this over the weekend and am just shocked at the ingenuity of people. Get this, it's a grill, griddle, hot plate, and fryer ALL in one! This is a tailgaters dream...well maybe some kind of dream! :) Mark and I stood and stared at this creature for about 10 minutes, only after then to go and inspect the details of it for about another 10. It is just so cool, but I don't want it...for the same reasons why I don't drink Dublin Dr. Pepper!

Had to get a photo of the central command station too!

I'm so happy that Fall is here! There are some really awesome things that are on the way. Mark and I will be celebrating an anniversary, my Birthday, Thanksgiving, my Mom coming to visit, and then Christmas!! I love this time of year! 

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